Name : Mia Rusliana
Class : 4SA04
Struktural dalam Penerjemahan
Ada tiga
strategi dasar yang berkenaan dangan masalah struktur, yaitu:
di sini adalah penambahan kata-kata di dalam bahasa sasaran. Penambahan jenis
ini bukanlah masalah pilihan tetapi kaharusan.
artinya adanya pengurangan elemen structural di dalam bahasa sasaran. Seperti
halnya penambahan, pengurangan ini merupakan keharusan.
adalah suatu keharusan apabila tanpa strategi ini makna bahasa sumber tidak
tersampaikan. Transposisi menjadi pilihan apabila dilakukan hanya karena alasan
gaya bahasa saja. Dengan strategi ini penerjemah mengubah struktur asli bahasa
sumber di dalam bahasa sasaran untuk mencapai efek yang padan. Pengubahan ini
bisa pengubahan bentuk jamak ke bentuk tunggal, posisi kata sifat, sampai
pengubahan struktur kalimat secara keseluruhan. Pemisahan satu kalimat bahasa
sumber menjadi dua kalimat bahasa sasaran atau lebih, atau penggabungan dua
kalimat bahasa sumber atau lebih menjadi satu kalimat bahasa sasaran juga
termasuk di dalam strategi ini.
juga bisa dilakukan karena pertimbangan gaya bahasa atau stilistika.
Structural strategies in Translation
There are three basic strategies that a matter of structural
problem, namely:
1. Addition
The mean of addition is the
increasing of words in the target language. A kind of this addition strategy is
not a choice but it is a must.
2. Reduction
Reduction means that there is
reduction of structural elements in the target language. It is same with addition, reduction is a must.
3. Transposition
Transposition is a must because
without this strategy, the meaning of the source language is not achieved.
Transposition becomes a choice if it is done because of style only. With this
strategy, the translator changes the original structure of the source language
into the target language to reach exact effect. This changing can be the form
of changing from plural to singular, the position of adjectives, until the
changing of sentence structure completely. Sepatation of one sentence in source
Language (Edited Text)
Structural strategies in Translation
There are three basic strategies that a matter of structural
problem, namely:
1. Addition
The mean of addition is the
increasing of words in the target language. A kind of this addition strategy is
not a choice but it is a must.
2. Reduction
Reduction means that there is
reduction of structural elements in the target language. It is same with
addition, reduction is a must.
3. Transposition
Transposition is a must because
without this strategy, the meaning of the source language is not achieved.
Transposition becomes a choice if it is done because of style only. With this
strategy, the translator changes the original structure of the source language
into the target language to reach exact effect. This changing can be the form
of changing from plural to singular, the position of adjectives, until the
changing of sentence structure completely. Separation of the source language
sentence into two sentences of the target language or more, or merging two or
more sentences source language into the target language sentence also included
in this strategy.
Transposition can also be done
because of consideration of style or stilistika .